Sunday, May 28, 2017

I think before anything else and before I go further on this, it's just right to introduce myself in order to know me better and to somehow (a little bit) understand my background. Not necessarily my background in photography but merely just ME.

SHERWIN ALEGRE ANCHETA is my legal name, most of my friends call me AMPITZ, and if anybody's wondering where my legal name came from, it is a mix of randomly picked name (from who knows) and names from my parents' given names, as most of my (Filipino) culture are following in naming their descendants or children.

My First Name is just a name randomly picked by maybe one of my parents or somebody playing an important role in the family, it maybe the favourite aunt or uncle. My Middle Name or Second Name is my mother's maiden name, meaning her last name before she married my father. Lastly, my Last Name of course, is the last name of my father. It is maybe designed as an easy trick to trace to which family I belong. Just by merely looking at my name you can easily identify that my father came from this family and so on with which family my mother came from. So when you see my name somewhere out there you should know that I am the fruit of love of an "Ancheta" and "Alegre".

I call myself an educated-happy-go-lucky-person (but I don't know if I am a well educated one depending on which aspect you are going to take a look at). I hold an Arts (AB) and Law Degrees (LLB) and currently studying Professional Photography with The New York Institute of Photography.  

Happy-go-lucky you might ask? Yes, I am a guy who lives without care about what the future may bring. I am a care-free and easy-going person. Well, I do prepare for my future but I wholeheartedly accept what the future may bring. I live for the moment (and not in the moment).

I grew up and raised in a small developing town of Claveria, in the Province of Cagayan in the Philippines until I migrated here in Calgary, Alberta (Canada) with my parents more than a decade ago where I am currently living now.

Sunrise from Home
Claveria, Cagayan - Philippines

PHOTOGRAPHY used to be just my hobby. I call myself a hobbyist for I take photographs just to have something to post on my blog and on Social Network - Facebook and Instagram. I travel and do long drives to various locations just to get a good photograph. Then, a couple or three of my good and close friends convinced me to take it to the next level trying to make me believe that I do take good photographs worthy of putting to the market, and so I tried. Now, I am getting crazy about it and  thankful that I got a wife who is very supportive in this undertaking. You can visit my portfolio at and add me on Facebook -  and follow me on Instagram -

The Pyramid Mountain
Jasper National Park 
Jasper, Alberta
Landscape and Nature are my chosen fields of photography, it maybe because of my love to the outdoor and nature or it has something to do with my being a shy guy. Most of my photographs portray a lot about me, a reflection of my personality. Reflections, Bridges, Waterfalls, Sunsets and Sunrises are my favourite subjects. So most of my photographs that will be posted here will be portraying mostly those subjects but not limited to those subjects.

The Tangle (Creek) Falls
Jasper National Park
Jasper, Alberta

For the love of the art, depending on how circumstances will allow me to sit down and write, I will try my best to write a blog about my adventure in photography at least once a week.

Thank you for reading.